Internationally renowned medical doctor specialising in mitochondrial and anti-aging medicine.
Dr. Kucera M.D is dedicated to detecting, improving and restoring the state of health of the organism. He is interested in improving the function of the autonomic nervous system in order to maintain the ideal internal environment and to improve individual capacity to respond and adapt to internal and external stress of any origin. Dr Kucera is the co-developer of the Mitochondrial Therapy programme.
Dr. Kucera is a member of many research teams in Europe and the USA. It is also involved in research in the field of bioregulatory medicine and he lectures on the method to a number of universities.
Michael Kucera- interview cancer with Dr Eccles
2018 - Clinical Effectiveness of Novel Mitochondrial Supplements: Based in Space Medicine Research
BSAAM's Anti Ageing
Conference London, 38 Regent on the River
William Morris Way
London SW6 2UT, United Kingdom Tel:+44 (0)79 7317 3478 Fax: +44 (0)20 7491 0410