Dr T Michael Culp, MA, ND
Dr. T. Michael Culp is the Medical Director of Integrative Health Solutions, Ltd, in London, an innovative multi-disciplinary medical clinic specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases (www.ihs.eu.com). Dr. Culp received his medical degree from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, where he was appointed to the faculty to teach courses in medical nutrition and nutritional biochemistry. He has practiced more than 15 years as a specialist GP in natural medicine. He was the Director of Medical Education for Genova Diagnostics Laboratory for 6 years before immigrating to the UK in 2003.
2008 - Stress: The Mother of All Ageing
Stress is the sum total of all wear-and-tear damage throughout our lives. As such, stress is the great mediator of the ageing process. Recent research into the emerging field of xenohormesis suggests the when we consume the stress response molecules produced by other plants and animals, we can literally borrow their stress adaptation capacity, reduce our stress, and slow the ageing process. This seminar will focus on emerging research into xenohermetic compounds and how they can assist in stress adaptation and the optimization of the ageing process.