Ing. Luigi Alfonso Cuozzo
Ing.Luigi Alfonso Cuozzo is a Business Development Consultant for Anti-Ageing Medical Centres Worldwide, he is also a Consultant for International trading and industrial companies. He is a long-term expert in the management of health programmes within private clinics and healthcare institutes. He has substantial expertise in communications, marketing and finance within the healthcare sector.
2011 - Implementing Anti-Ageing Protocols into General Practice.
What are the educational and entrepreneurial tools required for a viable business model?
The overwhelming advances of medical science are going to completely reshape General Practice, by providing necessary inside knowledge for interpreting the deep seated roots of many diseases not limiting the medical intervention to fighting medical disorders.
Moreover the ageing population with the associated pathologies are putting such an unbearable burden on social welfare no economy will be able to resist unless an effective Prevention policy can be pursued at large.
AA medicine – de facto, an accurate Prevention protocol consequently representing the science of the future with such future becoming every day more imminent - is meant to respond to the eternal longing for longevity of any human being.
It seems therefore wise and timely for medical doctors to look to the AA discipline as the most natural path to future professional success perspectives.
For those doctors aiming to be ready for the opportunities starting from marketing considerations which clearly indicate a continuously growing demand for a healthier longevity, the evolution of their medical practice into the realization of a most innovative and advanced AA centre becomes mandatory.
The key issues are the acquisition of an entrepreneurship spirit and knowledge of the fundamental steps to be taken before launching an AA centre initiative .It is important to understand that investments in logistic and technology are not the only issues to be concerned about , the key investment items being a targeted communication and the implementation of an appropriate marketing strategy program: moreover, team work and perfect organization of a scientific protocol are the most relevant ingredients for a successful business.
So far , there are very few examples of successful AA centres worldwide and not surprisingly such success is built on a very skilled communication strategy especially when AA practices are just an extension of a long lasting traditional activity by well known–highly praised doctors recognisably involved in promoting scientifically based Prevention . |