Micans MS PharmB
Phil Micans has British qualifications in pharmacy, biochemistry and food and vitamin technology. He is currently the Editor to the Aging Matters™ Magazine, Assistant Editor to the Lifespan Medicine Journal, an advisor to the British Longevity Society and he also maintains the position of Vice President at International Antiaging Systems.
2018 - Can human maximum lifespan be extended?
Since the dawn of time man has sought immortality, or at the very least an indefinite
lifespan, one not governed by the degeneration of aging, but rather limited only by
accidents, murder and suicide.
Whilst aging remains a mystery, at least from the perspective of an agreed-upon theory
of aging, it is obvious that the social, environmental and biochemical changes and
understandings have advanced so much- that there has been a clear expansion of the
‘average’ lifespan.
This lecture will look at some of those official numbers and highlight some of the
confusion that is present; it will also endeavor to seek the truth about maximum
lifespan- rather than the average lifespan.
Anti Ageing Conference
38 Regent on the River William Morris Way London SW6 2UT, United Kingdom
Phone +44 (0)79 7317 3478 Fax +44 (0)20 7491 0410
What advances have been made? Is there any evidence of ‘simple’ or ‘single’ protocols
or agents that (at least in animal models) have significantly advanced lifespan- if so, are
there implications for humans?
On the other hand, is there any evidence of a death clock and if so, what could it be?.