Dr Sandra Rose Michael DNM
Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is Senior Director of Energy Medicine for the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines; Faculty, Institute of Energy Wellness Studies; Guest Lecturer for Mount Sinai and other medical schools; and has presented to Parliament, Social Security and Ministries of Health in other nations. For over 17 years Dr. Michael has collaborated with leading biological scientists, physicists, physicians, and world leaders to invent, develop, research and implement bio- regenerative scalar technologies leading to the integration of bio and quantum physics, science, and body-mind homeostasis.
2009 - Bio-Scalar Technology: Regeneration and Optimization of the Body-Mind Homeostasis
The key to healthy aging is natural system balance and the achievement of normal regeneration of tissues and organs. This presentation will outline real-life applications and advantages of bio-scalar therapies. The utilization of bio-scalar technology leads to increased cellular energy and homeostasis, increased optimal trans-membrane potential and healthy cells and organs.
Research in the biomedical sciences has generated a wealth of new discoveries that are improving our health, extending our lives and raising our standard of living. Throughout history, we have searched for that “magic bullet” or “fountain-of-youth” to facilitate treatment of our various diseases or ailments. We have been known to swallow entire garlic cloves to thin our blood, to spread cat feces over our bodies to treat psoriasis, and to dunk ourselves in ice water to gain some relief. The treatment of all ailments is an attempt to regain a natural systemic balance. Physiologically, this balance is termed homeostasis. All systems in our body, from the neurological system to the circulatory system, strive to achieve homeostasis no matter what insults our systems receive. Americans and people around the globe are living longer and are less likely to succumb to many of the scourges of the past. Better diagnostic methods mean that many illnesses are identified sooner, and early detection leads to a better prognosis for treatment and long term recovery. Thus, for many diseases, the rates of incidence are not dropping but survival has dramatically improved. Those afflicted go on to live fuller, better lives due to contemporary and improved traditional methods of treatment. Quality of life measurement is becoming more complex and more difficult to summarize in a single statistic. However, the benefits are real and extremely important to individuals and to their families.
Intrinsic tissue regeneration is the body’s regular maintenance cycle in which millions of tissue cells constantly undergo remodeling and restoration. Regenerated tissue is not equivalent to scar tissue. Unlike regenerated tissue, scar tissue is different and less perfect than the surrounding tissue it replaces. The human body has the inherent capacity for regeneration once given the optimal conditions for recovery. Understanding how cellular mechanisms are normally orchestrated throughout embryonic development, adulthood and aging and then learning to control these mechanisms to achieve normal regeneration of tissues and organs is essential in treating the effects of aging. A crucial component of the body’s control system is bioelectrical. Indeed, proof-of-principle studies have demonstrated that the regenerative potential of adult tissues can be unlocked by manipulating their biophysical properties, thus restoring tissue to its original structural, function and physiological condition. Superconductive coherent informational fields of consciousness resulting from specific bio-scalar technologies are extremely bioactive and leading to the reorganization of biological systems to achieve homeostasis. Finally, with respect to the field matrix fusion, the bio-scalar technology can assert self-generating or regenerative cohesive fields to promote longevity through achievement of natural physiological balance.
Scalar technology has been developed that utilizes multiple bio-active fields including scalar energy for optimization of human system homeostasis including: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual homeostasis. Studies have shown that this technology does not emit detrimental fields of 60 cycles (Hz), radiation, or EMF, and in fact, achieved results by accelerating healing through neutralization of harmful ambient EM frequencies and elevation of beneficial energy at the cellular level. Additional comprehensive biomedical research including field surveys, microscopy and GDV bio-electography using bio-scalar technology in clinical settings resulted in novel evidence which demonstrates that scalar energy is an efficacious treatment with resultant improvement in overall health, wellness and homeostasis. Therefore, the data suggest that scalar wave treatment has the potential for increasing cellular and tissue energy levels and regenerative properties leading to possible application in treating age related contentions.
It is well accepted that “stress” is the root cause of most disease states. The Bio-Scalar technologies can induce “stress” relief at a cellular level, which allows cells and thus tissues and organ systems to de-stress to powerfully activate the individual’s natural life force to induce healing. Dr. G. Gerber of Memorial Hospitals in Houston has coordinated top nephrologists, cardiologists and endocrinologists to conduct case studies using Bio-Scalar technology. They have documented clinical results which demonstrate dramatic physiological changes in those undergoing this treatment. These include individuals in which: morning blood sugar levels reduced from 300 mg/dL to 110 mg/dL, systolic blood pressure readings decreased from 195 mm/Hg to 140 mm/Hg, and triglyceride levels falling from 12,000 mg/dL to 350 mg/dL. Other examples demonstrated relief from angina and arrhythmia in cardiac patients. Dramatic improvement has also been demonstrated in an individual suffering from end stage renal disease who had been receiving renal dialysis for more than two years. After his 3rd one hour treatment, the patient began to produce urine and is now producing urine multiple times a day. The quality of life improvement in these individuals is indeed remarkable. The demonstrated cumulative effects after 6 months of treatment leads to a re-charging of cellular energy. This can be most similarly compared to the recharging of a battery or cell phone.
Some of the most profound medical advances in human history include the isolation of human stem cells and the mapping of the human genome. The evolution of a holistic approach to treatment of the entire individual along with these advances has begun to demonstrate their vast therapeutic potential in amalgamation. This moves treatment beyond simply that of the disease itself. No single measurement can quantify the magnitude of the benefits. However, the compilation of evidence suggests starting points for the challenge of substantiating the benefits of biomedical research in Holistic Medicine and Alternative Medicine. Further research will lead to cooperative relationships among researchers and clinicians with resultant attainment of the optimal physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of homeostasis. All life is energy and when energy is optimized, life is optimized.
The aging process isn't fully understood and scientists have yet to find a "magic bullet" that can reverse the effects of aging. The key to healthy aging is natural system balance and the achievement of normal regeneration of tissues and organs. Utilization of Bio-Scalar technologies will lead to increased cellular energy and homeostasis, increased optimal transmembrane potential and healthy cells and organs. As we further explore the relationship between cellular regeneration and Bio-Scalar technologies, we look toward understanding the cellular mechanisms of aging.
Unsolicited Testimonial…
“…I was diagnosed with Gangrene… as the result of infection to a Diabetic ulcer… five days later, the wound is completely healed over… I literally tried every wives' tale remedy in the book to get my foot to heal as well as all of the pharmaceutical medicines prescribe by my doctor with NO results. Your equipment is phenomenal! --- Dwight”
- Benefits of Biomedical research. FASEB website. 2007. Available at: http://www.faseb.org/. Accessed March 2007.
- FASEB News. 2002 The compilation is available online at http://www.faseb.org/opar/ ppp/rev_bene.html. Accessed March 2007.
- Tissue Regeneration. Alloderm website. 2007. Available at: http://www.lifecell.com/products/53/. Accessed March 2007
- Research to Advance Knowledge of Regeneration, Cancer, Aging, and Birth Defects. Forsyth Institute website. 2004. Available at: http://www.forsyth.org/. Accessed March 2007.
- Scientific Research. Energy Enhancement Systems website. 2007. Available at: http://energyenhancementsystem.com/. Accessed March 2007.
- Anti-aging therapies: Too good to be true? Mayo clinic website. 2007. Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.com/. Accessed March 2007.