Dr Michael Perring MA MB B.Chir FCP(SA) DPM UKCP Registered Psychotherapist
Dr Perring read medicine at Cambridge, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. As a post-graduate at Capetown University he gained wide experience of general medicine and graduating as a Fellow of the South African College of Physicians in 1970. Vacationing as a Medical Officer in the Ciskei he made working trips to Biafra and Ethiopia as well as studying in North America.
Following his return to the UK Dr Perring worked as a Psychiatrist obtaining a Diploma in Psychological Medicine in 1973. He was a Lecturer in Sexual Medicine at Southampton University between 1970-1980. At Charing Cross Hospital he worked with Transgender patients and took a Diploma in Humanistic Psychotherapy in 1986.
From 1993 onwards Dr Perring has developed an innovative clinic, ‘Optimal Health’, focusing on the preventive aspects of healthy ageing. His caring and considered approach to health is based on wide and varied experience and the conviction that preventive disciplines are the key to an extended active life-span.
He is a certified member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, is registered as a practising psychotherapist and is accredited by the British Association of Sexual and Marital Therapists of which he is a founder member.
He is a Council member of the Independent Doctors Forum and Chair of its Regulations Committee. He is Chair to Council of The Scientific Exploration Society, a Charity supporting conservation and promotion of youth in science.
Maintaining sexual function in later life
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