(Listed by Surname in alphabetical order)
Fritz H. Bach MD
Dr. Fritz Bach, born in Vienna, Austria, attended
Harvard College and Harvard Medical School, took an internal medicine
residency, and since 1963 has done research at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and now Harvard Medical
School in Boston. He has worked in genetics, immunology and recently
vascular biology, with much of his work devoted to studies of transplantation.
He described the mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) test for matching donors
and recipients for transplantation, which led to his contributing to
the description of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in humans
(HLA), heading the team that did the first successful matched bone marrow
transplant, defining the existence of class II loci and their antigens
and establishing the existence of two types of antigens with different
functions associated with the MHC.
His work in xenotransplantation included
his suggestion that endothelial cell activation is the key role in xenograft
rejection and, with his colleague Augustin Dalmasso, to suggest that
transgenic pigs expressing a human gene to block human complement may
help solve xenograft rejection. As a part of the progress in xenotransplantation,
he suggested that endothelial cells might express protective genes that
help to avoid rejection, which he and his colleagues have not shown
to be true.
Dr. Bach has received numerous awards,
including Peter Medawar Prize of the International Transplantation Society
and the most recent which is the Doctor of Medicine, Honoris Causa,
2005 from the University of Vienna.
Bird MBA
Chairperson, AACL.
Founder and President, HB Health.
Director, World Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine WAAAM
Director, British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine BSAAM
Ms. Heather Bird is President and Founder
of HB Health, London's premier anti-aging clinic that is fast emerging
as a leading promoter of anti-aging and preventative medicine in the
UK and Europe. Ms. Bird works to promote anti-aging medicine and help
it become better established as a medical specialty in Britain and throughout
Europe by serving on the Board of the non-profit World Academy of Anti-Aging
Medicine (WAAAM). She regularly lectures worldwide. Ms. Bird is committed
to finding ways to make the life-enhancing medical breakthroughs of
21st century medicine available world-wide and to facilitating the dissemination
of knowledge of the latest advances in medical science, and bio-technology.
As part of that commitment, she was co-sponsor and co-organizer of the
3rd Annual Monte Carlo Anti-Aging Conference (2004), and she and HB
Health sponsored and organized the first Anti-Ageing Conference London
(AACL) in London (2004). Ms. Bird first became interested in the effects
of aging on the human body when she helped to care for the elderly in
nursing homes who suffered from age related degenerative diseases. After
spending some time working with the World Health Organization in Geneva
Switzerland, and completing her Master's of Business Administration,
she began to learn about anti-aging medicine from doctors in the field
and established her clinics. HB Health facilities provide a complementary
range of preventative health, and internal and external anti-aging treatments
and products. |
Vittorio Calibrese MD PhD
Biochemistry & Mol. Biology Section, Department of
Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania
Dr. Calibrese recived his medical degree
(magna cum laude) from the University of Catania, Catania, Italy in
1984. He completed an advanced degree of Specialist in Neurobiology
at New York University Medical School and Neuropharmacology at Thomas
Jefferson University College in London, Northwick Park Institute for
Medical Research at the University of London and University of Kentucky.
He currently holds the academic position as Profesor of Clinical Biochemistry
with the University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Dr. Calabrese's research
interest has included the Role of Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial
Dysfunction in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorderds, Nutritional Antioxidants
and Modulcation of Cellular Redox State. Heat Shock Signal Pathway and
Brain Cell Stress Response, Alcohol Metabolism and Alcohol Related Pathology
and the Role of NO and CO in the regulation of gene expression.
Nick Delgado PhD CHT
Researcher and lecturer in biochemistry and
Dr. Nick Delgado is a media personality, international speaker, lecturer
and researcher in biochemistry and endocrinology with a focus on balancing
the physiology of aging. Dr. Delgado graduated from the University of
Southern California and has continued studies at Loma Linda University,
Cal State Long Beach, with endocrinology expert, Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.
of Belgium, and at Rancho Los Amigo Hospital, USC. He served as Director
of the Pritikin Better Health Program of the Nathan Pritikin Longevity
Center. He has presented at conferences on aging, wellness and longevity,
including the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M) and with
the original Anthony Robbins Mastery University. He studied the art
of motivation to change human behavior, including psychological studies
in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and guided imagery. A certified Timeline
Therapist and Certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) he works with professional
golfers, athletes and other peak performers.
Dr. Delgado is the author of 10 books.
The #1 Way to Fitness has a proven a successful lifestyle intervention
plan used in medical practices across the country. Testimony to his
own regime, he took second place in an endurance and strength contest
at the Arnold Classic in March 2004. Recognizing that aging has many
symptoms including a decline in sexual function, he writes and lectures
about human potential, herbs and medical issues related to sex. His
latest work, Longevity, Love and Vitality will be released in later
this year.
Dr. Delgado is the president, founder and
formulator for Ultimate Medical, specializing in performance enhancing
products for men and women. He is Director of Anti-Aging, Horizon Wellness
Center, at University Medical Center of Rancho Cucamonga.
Robert Goldman MD PhD. FAASP, DO, FAOASM
Chairman, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine; Founding
President, National Academy of Sports Medicine, USA
Dr. Robert Goldman is the co-founder and
Chairman of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). He has
served as Senior Fellow-Lincoln Filene Center, Tufts University, and
as an Affiliate-Philosophy of Education Research Center, Graduate School
of Education, Harvard University. He is Professor, Department of Internal
Medicine at the Central America Health Sciences University of Medicine
(Belize). He also holds an appointment as Professor, Postgraduate Studies
at Graduate School of Medicine at Swineburne University (Australia).
Dr. Goldman is a Fellow of the American Academy of Sports Physicians
and a Board Diplomat in Sports Medicine and Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr.
Goldman received his Bachelor of Science degree from Brooklyn College
(New York), then conducted three years of independent research in steroid
biochemistry and attended State University of New York. His Ph.D. work
was in the field of androgenic anabolic steroid biochemistry. Dr. Goldman
received his M.D. degree from the Central America Health Sciences University
of Medicine School of Medicine, and his D.O. degree from Chicago College
of Osteopathic Medicine/MidWestern University. He co-founded and serves
as Chairman of the Board of Life Science Holdings, a biomedical research
company with over 100 medical patents under development in the areas
of brain resuscitation, trauma and emergency medicine, organ transplant
and blood preservation technologies. Dr. Goldman is chairman of the
International Medical Commission overseeing sports medicine committees
in over 170 nations. With over 20 world strength records, Dr. Goldman
is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records and holds the World
Record for performing 161 consecutive one-arm pushups, 321 consecutive
handstand pushups, and 50-yard handstand spring trial. He has served
as Special Advisor to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness
and Sports. Dr. Goldman also founded and served as president of the
National Academy of Sports Medicine. |
Dato Harnam MD PhD
President, Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Malaysia
Graduated from University of Malaya (now known as University of Singapore)
– MBBS, passed biochemistry with distinction and was the second
student in the pre-clinical examination - awarded Bronze Medal.
Awarded Government Scholarship to do Post-Graduate
studies in United Kingdom. Registrar, Warwick Hospital and the Royal
National Ear, Nose and Throat/Head and Neck Hospital, Gray Inn Road,
He worked as Consultant Otolaryngologist
– General Hospital, Johor Bahru, Malaysia – set up the Ear,
Nose and Throat Centre and subsequently appointed Senior Ear, Nose and
Throat Consultant, Hospital Kuala Lumpur until 1969. Later set up his
own Ear, Nose and Throat Centre at Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, where he
is currently practising as an Otolaryngologist. He has special interest
in Allergy and Anti-Aging.
Founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition
(ION) and the Brain Bio Centre.
Holford is a leading light in new approaches
to health and nutrition. He is widely regarded as Britain’s best-selling
author and leading spokesman on nutrition, food, environmental and health
issues, hence being frequently quoted almost weekly in national newspapers
from the Daily Mail to the Guardian. Patrick is also popular on radio
shows and national television as a presenter, interviewer and guest.
He started his academic career in the field
of psychology. While completing his bachelor degree in Experimental
Psychology at the University of York he researched the role of nutrition
in mental health and illness and later tested the effects of improved
nutrition on children's IQ - an experiment that was the subject of Horizon
documentary and published in the Lancet in 1988.
In 1984 Patrick founded the Institute for
Optimum Nutrition (ION), a charitable and independent educational trust
for the furtherance of education and research in nutrition, now the
largest training school in the UK offering a degree-accredited training
in nutritional therapy and widely respected as a leading edge organisation
by professionals and media alike. Patrick was awarded an honorary Diploma
from ION and is also an Honorary Fellow of BANT. (The British Association
of Nutritional Therapists). In 2003 he founded the Brain Bio Centre
at ION, a treatment centre pioneering the optimum nutrition approach
for mental health.
Patrick is frequently involved in government
campaigns and debates and has been invited to the House of Commons,
House of Lords and the Food Standards Agency as an expert in optimum
nutrition. In October 2004 he authored Britain’s largest ever
health and diet survey (ONUK) comparing the health and diet of 37,000
His knowledge, personality and enthusiasm,
together with his strong scientific approach helps him to stimulate
lively debates, simplifying complex issues and helping viewers to expand
their understanding of health issues.
Patrick lectures and conducts workshops
throughout the world on a wide range of topics, to the public and health
professionals and the medical profession. In the UK he presents around
50 workshops and lectures a year.
John G Ionescu PhD
Prof. Ionescu is Scientific Director and founder
of the Special Clinic Neukirchen, Bio-Data and Energy Cosmetic companies,
located in 93453 Neukirchen, Germany.
After graduation in biochemistry and immunology at the University of
Bucharest, 1976 and a scientific fellowship in Montreal, Canada, he
wandered to West-Germany and established there since 1980.
He received his PhD in medical biochemistry 1983 from the University
of Saarbrücken, Germany, and directed until 1985 the research programme
of a dermatological clinic in Aschaffenburg. Main research areas included
the atopic diseases, psoriasis, arthritis and the MCS-syndrome.
Prof. Ionescu founded 1986 in Bavaria the Special Clinic Neukirchen
for the treatment of allergic, skin and environmental diseases according
to the principles of the nutritional and environmental medicine. The
160 bed facility is fully integrated in the official hospital system
and the treatment fees are reimbursed by all German and Austrian health
The original diagnostic and therapeutic approaches of his cortisone-,
cytostatic- and radiation-free concept have been reported in more than
140 scientific publications in Germany, Europe and USA. Current work
involves the investigation of biological redox systems and free radical
reactions in skin, environmental and cancer patients. His research results
are subjects of new methods for the rapid free radical and redox potential
assessment in human blood samples, new dermatological formulations for
the diseased and aging skin, patented anti-cancer drugs and original
integrative protocols for the treatment of MCS, CFS and chronic dermatoses.
Prof. Ionescu is member of the European Academy for Allergology and
Clinical Immunology, of the British Society for Allergy and Environmental
Medicine and of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. As Scientific
Director he is also active in the Board of the International Oxidative
Medical Association (USA) and of the NRW Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Association (Germany).
Since August 1998 he was nominated as Professor for Clinical Biochemistry
and Oxidology at the Capital University of Integrative Medicine, Washington,
D.C. (USA). Prof. Ionescu is also member of the Editorial Board of the
Journal of the Capital University of Integrative Medicine.
Maria Angelo-Khattar PhD
Managing Director - Aesthetica Clinic Oasis
Center, Dubai
Dr. Angelo-Khattar obtained her B.Sc. Honours
and Ph.D. from King's College and St. Mary's Hospital Medical School,
University of London. She is a fellow of Royal Society of Medicine,
1977-1990 served as Assistant and then Associate Professor at the Department
of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Faculty of Medicine, University
of Kuwait. In 1984, Dr. Khattar established the Toxicology Unit, a joint
venture between the Ministry of Health and the Faculty of Medicine,
Kuwait Univeristy. The unit offered a comprehensive analytical services
to all Ministry of Health Hospitals including Therapeutic Drug Monitoring,
Drug Abuse screening and Toxicological Screening in cases of acute poisoning.
The Toxicology Unit in Kuwait was the only one of its kind in the Middle
East, at the time.
Dr. Khattar has published 40 papers in International journals and left
Academia in 1990 during the Gulf War. She was reinstated in 1991as visiting
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University for
a period of 18 months, following which she was obliged to relocate to
Dubai, UAE.
1998 Dr. Khattar started a Business in retail Pharmacy in the United
Arab Emirates, which is now the Lifestyle chain of Pharmacies.
2002 Dr. Khattar established Aesthetica Clinic, dedicated to non-surgical
skin refinement and rejuvenation as well as Aesthetica Drug Store which
specialises in the trading of Dermo-cosmeceutical products and Isolagen,
the autologous fibroblast transfer treatment.
Michael Klentze MD PhD ABAAM
Medical Director, Klentze Institute of Anti-Aging, Munich,
Director A4M, USA
Secretary General ESAAM, Vienna
Dr. Michael Klentze received his medical
degree from the University of Munich Medical School and is Board Certified
in psychiatry and gynecology. He is Medical Director of Klentze Institute
of Anti-Aging Medicine in Munich, Germany. An advisory member of the
American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine for Europe, Dr. Klentze holds
membership in the Endocrine Society (USA), the European Committee of
Anti-Aging Medicine, the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
and the European Menopause Society. He is the author of several scientific
articles on aging-related topics including androgens in women, neurosteroids
and the aging brain and vitamins and antioxidants.
Jun Matsuyama MD
Chairman, Japanese Society of Clinical Anti-Aging Medicine,
Dr. Matsuyama received a medical degree
from Kyorin University of Medicine, and earned post graduate training
from Keio University School of Medicine, Japan. Dr. Matsuyama is the
president and chairman of the Japanese Society of Clinical Anti-Aging
Medicine (JSCAM), president of Study Group of Rejuvenation Treatment
in Japan, vice president at Matsuyama Hospital, Director of Anti-Aging
Medicine, Medical Corporation Kikyougahara Hospital.
Dr. Matsuyama is a member of the American
Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, member of Japan Medical Association,
Japanese Society of Menopausal Medicine, Japan Society of Oriental Medicine,
Japanese Society of Sports Medicine, and received board certification
in Sports Medicine, Aesthetic Surgery, Pathology, and SPA Rehabilitation.
Dr. Matsuyama was president of Aoyama Clinic
and Vice President, Department of Aesthetic Medicine, medical corporation
Keiyuu-Kai from 1999 to 2000, president of Medical Corporation Ishinkai
& Kyoto health care institute from 1992-1998, and lectured at Keio
University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology.
Micans PharmB
Phil Micans was born in Great Britain. He left high school
with numerous qualifications that included Biology and Chemistry and
attended South London College, where he studied Food & Vitamin Technology.
Afterward he completed an applied science bachelor’s degree at
Oxford in Pharmacology.
He has been actively involved in the anti-aging
field since the 1980’s, having initially becoming highly interested
in the field after reading the Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw book; Life
His current accreditations include being
Editor in Chief of the Antiaging Magazine, Director of Research and
Development to Inner-Age, co-writer of The New Millennium Guide to Antiaging
Medicine and Chairman of the International Antiaging Conference.
He realized that the information age has
created a new generation of informed individuals and physicians who
view things globally, and want to obtain the best possible treatment
based on a scientific perspective. As such, in 1991 he became a founding
member of International Antiaging Systems (IAS), where he maintains
the position of Vice President.
IAS have dedicated themselves to following
the research about anti-aging medicine and making available both the
information and products to health professionals who need them.
Proud to be part of one of the world’s
leading organizations in antiaging medicine and keenly interested in
the orthomolecular approach to medicine, Phil firmly believes that antiaging
medicine is the ultimate form of preventative medicine, and that it
will be the next major leap in the health of mankind.
Sangeeta Pati MD FACOG
President & Medical Director of RejuvenAge
Medical Center, Faculty I.W. Lane College Integrative Medicine and Diplomat
of American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and American Board of
Anti-Aging Medicine.
Sangeeta Pati, M.D. has practiced obstetrics-gynecology
in the Washington, D.C., area for 14 years before opening an integrative,
alternative and conventional medical center in Orlando, FL. She graduated
at the top of her medical class at the University of Maryland School
of Medicine, Baltimore, and served a residency at Georgetown University
School of Medicine, Washington, D.C. She has practiced in the USA and
internationally serving as the Medical Director for a 350 employee international
organization, Engenderhealth. She has authored numerous evidence-based
reviews and articles.
Suresh Rattan PhD, DSc
Laboratory of Cellular Ageing, Danish Centre
for Molecular Gerontology, Department of Molecular Biology, University
of Aarhus, Denmark.
Academic Qualifications
Dr. scient. (D.Sc.) 1995, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Ph.D. 1982, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London,
M.Phil.1979, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
M.Sc. 1977, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
Research areas and expertise
Ageing (biogerontology, molecular gerontology); Anti-ageing; Stress
response and hormesis. Committed to research, guidance, communication,
consultancy and advice on ageing intervention, prevention and therapies.
S. K. Ramesh MD MBBS
Dr. S. K. Ramesh B.Sc. MBBS, MS (Ortho , Trauma,
Rehab), MAMS (India)AOB (Trauma), AOA (Trauma), FAO(Trauma) Swiss,FAO
(Shoulder), Austria, MAOAL (Swiss)MACNEM [Australia] MAAM [ USA ]Cenegenics
Certified Age Management Physician(Science of Youthful Aging)Professor,
Consultant & Practitioner Energy Medicine (USA)Reiki Master (India
& USA), Karuna Reiki USA
Presently he is working at Dubai Poly Clinic. Visiting Specialist at
Dubai Herbal and Treatment Center.Dr. S K
Dr. Ramesh in his very early stages of his training as a Medical Student
from KGMC, Lucknow, India could not understand how the instruction pattern
to living systems was being transmitted. He also wondered why people
became sick as they aged. He also noticed that many people in their
old age were highly energetic and healthy. It is with this in mind that
he went ahead in search of his quest in prevention of disease and aging.
He is also a certified age management physician dealing with the Science
of Youthful Aging.
During his search he went to several teachers, did conventional medical
training as well as studied ancient non-conventional and futuristic
techniques. He was able to identify what is the connection all the way
with the source, how the information systems are transmitted to our
body, how we are connected to our environment. This also give a clear
understanding of why one creates disease for himself, how he can prevent
disease, how he can reverse the disease. This knowledge came about from
quantum physics.
Quantum Physics, Energy sciences and Tachyon Technologies led him to
understand how we could prevent disease naturally by learning how to
source our energies from air, water, food, sleep and environment. This
understanding started showing how when we started reversing disease
processes we started becoming younger and younger shedding our body
programs and getting connected with ALL THAT IS.
The recent medical understanding is that aging is a disease due to the
deficiency of our hormones and collection of toxins. The same could
be reversed not only by energetic techniques, but also with the medical
techniques of life style management, breathing technologies, structured
water technologies, dietary supplement uses, anti oxidant use, natural
stimulation of endocrine glands and lastly if absolutely necessary,
hormone replacements to speed up the process.
A Doctor or Healer is one whose very presence should heal.The very look
he gives at the affected part, it should start reversing the disease
process .If a doctor can impart a total healing at all levels; that
is at Physical , Mental , Emotional and Spiritual level then he can
be considered as a holistic Healer.
Vera Stejskal PhD
Associate Professor of Immunology, University of Stockholm
and 1st Medical Faculty at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr.Vera Stejskal received her doctoral
degree from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. She has worked
as a research scientist at the Institute of Experimental Biology and
Genetics in Prague, Czech Republic; at the Dept. of Immunology, The
University of Stockholm, Sweden; and as a Senior Research Adviser and
Head of Immunotoxicology Group at AB ASTRA, Safety Assessment, Södertälje,
Sweden. Dr. Stejskal is affiliated with the Dept of Clinical Chemistry,
Danderyd's Hospital and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, conducting
research in Clinical Immunotoxicology; and is affiliated to 1st Medical
Faculty at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, where Dr. Stejskal
teaches and directs research. Currently Dr. Stejskal is the owner of
MELISA® trademark and of MELISA® patent in all major European
countries Founder of MELISA® MEDICA foundation (1992). Dr. Stejskal
has a great research interest in the field of Immunotoxicology at the
Swedish Society of Toxicology (key person). She also is responsible
for saving the bestselling drug, Prilosec®, for Astra by setting
up a study that explained the mechanisms of drug side-effects in a one-month
toxicology study. Upon the repeating the study with parasite-naive animals,
no side-effects developed. MELISA®-like test was used for the demonstration
of immunological memory to worm antigens in conventional but not in
parasite-free animals. Dr. Stejskal is also a recipient of the EEC grant
on Biotech program "In vitro Immunotoxicology", adviser to
the World Health Organization, and is an expert witness to a US Congressional
Committee that in 2002 investigated vaccine safety and thimerosal allergy.
Dr. Stejskal is the author of more than 100 scientific publications
in the field of allergy and immunotoxicology.
James Stoxen DC
President, Team Doctors, Chiropractic
Treatment and Training Center
Dr James Stoxen, D.C., owns and operates Team Doctors Chiropractic Treatment
and Training Center. Dr Stoxen is known worldwide for his "on site"
work assigned to numerous world famous athletes. In 2004 alone he was
on assignment with over 150 national, world champion or professional
athletes as well as top entertainers and Broadway performers.
He has chaired medical committees for numerous
international sports organizations and has been a chiropractor for over
70 national and world championships in Algeria, England, USSR, Canada,
Italy and other countries. In 1989, Dr. Stoxen developed and organized
the first sports medicine course for western doctors at the famed National
Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences in Moscow USSR for
the FICS with leading experts of that country
Dr Stoxen has developed very unique non-surgical
approach to treating patients who suffer from severe acute and chronic
back conditions that normally would have gone to surgery. Dr Stoxen
has given over 1000 live presentations all over the world on his unique
approach to treatment This unique treatment approach based on the treatment
of “foot pronation” has received worldwide attension in
the medical field. He has been asked to introduce this pronation based
treatment to medical physicians at in Las Vegas, Moscow USSR, Bangkok
Thailand, Mexico City Mexico, Atlanta, Georgia, London, England, Dubai,
UAE and Bali Indonesia this year alone, a request not normally asked
of a chiropractor. He has appeared on numerous television and radio
specials and news programs such as on CBS, NBC, ABC and cable news.
Dr. Stoxen is an avid writer and author.
He was appointed a member of the editorial advisory board for Muscle
And Fitness magazine, American Fitness Quarterly and BE Fitness Magazine.
He has written and published numerous articles and textbook chapters
for other international publications too numerous to list and is working
on his first book to come out in 2005 Pronation Syndrome and Principle
Cause of Lower Back Pain.
Imre Zs.-Nagy
University Studies:
University Medical School, Debrecen (DOTE), Hungary, MD, degree taken;
1961, with a special award called "Sub Auspiciis Rei Publicae Popularis"
(for the best students).
Working Places:
1960-63: DOTE, Institute of Anatomy, Debrecen; assistant professor:
1963-73: Institute of Biology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Tihany; scientific coworker, 1968-73,vice-director: 1973-76: Dipartimento
di Ricerche Gerontologiche, Istituto Nazionale di Riposo e Cura per
Anziani (INRCA) Ancona, Italy; director of the Center of Cytology; 1975-76;
Scientific Coordinator of the Dipartimento di Ricerche Gerontologiche
in Ancona: 1976-79: DOTE, Institute of Biology, Debrecen; scientific
adviser, always in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Ricerche in
Ancona: 1979-1996: DOTE, Hungarian Section of the "Verzar International
Laboratory for Experimental Gerontology" (VILEG), Debrecen; Director
of the Hungarian Section of VILEG and coordinating Secretary of VILEG
in international scientific co-operations. In 1985 obtained the title
of "University Professor”: 1997-Present: Head of the Department
of Gerontology, established by the University Medical School of Debrecen,
by transforming the VILEG Hungarian Section.
Knowledge of Foreign Languages:
English, Italian, German, Russian.
Scientific Publications:
258 papers, book chapters or books published or in press. Number of
scientific lectures; about 300