Richard Stead
CEO/ Molecular Design Director, KiB Ltd
The relationship between an inefficient immune system and ageing
A significant question around aging is the role played by the immune system in causing us to age. Or is this the wrong way to approach the subject? Should we consider the effect that our aging process has on the efficacy and energy levels in the immune system? On a second level, there is no question now that infections are once again becoming major causes of illness and death. They adversely affect the overall functions of our bodies in ways known to accelerate ageing; so, theoretically, the right antibiotics, correctly used, should help keep us young. However, synthetic antibiotics are not only non-specific but they are also becoming increasingly ineffective due to increasing problems of resistance. Many also have intrinsic toxicity for humans. Therefore, would a “revolutionary new” molecule that outshines antibiotics offer a route to anti-aging?
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